Ice Rocks are one of our latest designs and one with great excitement. To our knowledge no one in the country has every seen the likes of these very unique rocks.
They are simply designed to have a bowl like crater in the middle of the stone for the purpose of holding one to two large bags of ice. The design also calls for a fracture to allow the melting ice a place to travel back into the ground or in the garden areas that it may be resting. These special rocks offer a wonderful treat of drinks, fruit and even ice cream treats on hot days. The ice rocks are perfect for parties and are perfect for entraining guests as they grab a cold one wondering where the heck you found such an awesome serving rock. These rocks are designed so when the ice melts it drains right into the flower or garden area.
Be sure to come back and frequent this web site as we have many more ice rocks sold and all ready under way to be installed. We are very excited about the ideas and the variants of this creation.